Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Moore

The nation salutes our military today - those that have served our country to enable all of us to enjoy the freedoms of this country. And today I encourage you that read this to exercise your right to give ... To those in need.

I'll be returning home today but it's hard for me to think of my home when so many here have none. It's been a humbling experience, but an inspirational one as well. The teachers who sheltered their students by covering them with their own bodies, the teachers who sang louder than the whirling debris above them and thus helped their charges tune out the fear, the volunteers that showed up in a neighborhood to cut down mangled trees, or hundreds that showed up to clean a cemetery or the infamous Orr Farm- an OK City area icon. There were the construction guys that moved vehicles out of our cameras way so we were able to show you the devastation, there were the oil and gas company employees who served the media brisket and pork chops and anyone else that needed a meal, and there was the little Italian woman who stopped to tell me she was a new American citizen and how proud she was to be an American because these people's spirit was unsinkable and she wanted to be part of that!
God Bless America, and God Bless Moore.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Loss and Survivor Spirit

President Obama surveyed Plaza Towers Elementary today while we were at another neighborhood close by. A neighborhood that was flattened, a neighborhood that contains only rubble and memories and a neighborhood where graduating senior Alyson Costilla was sifting through chaos... Her story is on World News Tonight. She lost her mom, her best friend who called Alyson in a Seven Eleven where she had taken cover on that fateful day... There is mo Seven Eleven there any longer-Alyson lost her mom. All that is left of her home are bits and pieces of things. But her spirit remains tough, at graduation yesterday when her name was called six friends held up her Mom's photo... It's stories like this that show the spirit of this town... Throughout the demolished neighborhood ...signs declared the will of the people and my favorite one... Someone sprayed this message on their home ... Check out my last photo... There is still humor in Oklahoma and a fighting spirit!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

I've got this!

Traffic flows much easier in Moore, OK today. The roadblocks are less frequent, more traffic lights are functioning and it's easier to get a hot meal. Residents are returning to their homes and those that have nothing left are returning to pick up the pieces... but they are not alone. On every corner there's a grill with food for the hungry or free water for the thirsty or just a smile and a helping hand for those that are spiritually downtrodden.

We are working on a story for Good Morning America that will talk about some of these volunteers tomorrow, the stories are endless.

I met a man in Walmart the other day as we waited on sacks of ice. While we waited he shared one of the many stories I've had the privilege to hear this week... He was at a hardware store buying materials to repair his tornado damaged home when he noticed a woman quietly hovering near him; he would walk down an isle and she would appear close by on the next. He noted this but did not question her motives, though they became quite clear when he checked out. The mysterious woman stepped up... swiped her card and said, "I've got this." The man told me he had learned long ago that part of the giving process is to be a good receiver. He took his $130.00 purchase, thanked this silent angel, and as he was driving away in his rear view mirror: the giver was searching for another receiver.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Oklahoma Strong, people helping people

Day 5 in Moore, OK. The rubble from the EF 5 tornado is evident as I drive around this city but the love of the people recovering from this horrific nightmare and the love of those who have descended upon this area to help is incredible! A young girl sits on a corner holding a sign offering a hug to those that need one. A sign for flat tire repair. A sign for work teams available. Those walking the neighborhoods handing out food and water. Signs on businesses that say Moore Strong, and We Are Open and God Bless Moore. And you know what, these folks... they've been hit in the heart but they've been infused with love... And this Texan has had the privilege of experiencing the spirit these Oklahomans call, "Oklahoma Strong"...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

EF 5 and what that really means

Satellite trucks like dinosaurs amidst a prehistoric boneyard are parked in the parking lot behind a medical center in Moore, OK as worldwide news teams report on the EF 5 tornado that struck this town just south of Oklahoma City.

I have been camped out at the ABC compound this week helping produce multi-live shots reporting on the reality of devastation, sadness and hope.

Vicki Plucker took shelter with her two dogs at the Moore Medical Center Monday night. Tuesday morning she was okay but her car had been demolished by the Horrific tornado and her dogs were missing- feared dead. Wednesday construction crews cleaning up scattered debris found Dixie, one of Vicki's two dogs, alive with a few scrapes but okay! She was reunited with her owner and for a well paused moment ... Smiles conquered the heartache of disaster in this
Oklahoma town.