Thursday, March 5, 2009

One of my favorite things

Okay, this may sound crazy but I have determined since our whole economic world as we know it seems to be going to the dogs, and quickly I may add... I need to concentrate on a few of my favorite things.

One of my favorite things is ice cream; however, as I grew older I discovered there was a reason that ice cream didn't like me: I'm lactose intolerant. I've since discovered some absolutely incredible soy-based ice cream, and I'm okay with that.

One of my favorite things is sunshine. That is why I live in Texas in the winter, and Michigan in the summer. I'm very okay with that.

One of my favorite things is my grandmother's fried chicken. She passed away in 2007, and I haven't had fried chicken since. I'm okay with that - she lived to be 100 and I was able to enjoy her fried chicken many times over.

One of my favorite things is the great outdoors. There is nothing like camping in a tent, overlooking the water, no cars, no people - just the crickets, the moon and the stars. I am soooo okay with that.

One of my favorite things is the violin (it's a new favorite thing). I've discovered I love the violin, and the fiddle. I play the piano, not the violin but I'm okay with that.

One of my favorite things is dark chocolate. I LOVE CHOCOLATE with peanut butter, by itself, drenched on a dessert, frozen from the fridge - I'm okay with CHOCOLATE.

If I had a top ten list, this would be at the top: A hot shower. I love hot showers, even when the Texas heat has beat me down, a hot shower revives me. The steam, the drizzle of warmth, the prickly sensation; they overcome me and I dance the water dance as it engulfs me. I love hot showers.

So when the economy brings me down, my stock report looks like a penny poker game, headlines are depressing, and life itself seems overwhelming... I'm okay... because I have my favorite things and I'm okay with that...

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